Written on Oct 9, 2014
This review is going to be somewhat vague. I don't want to give away any spoilers to anyone who is still planning on reading this series.
This is the sixth and final book in the Fallen Angel series, which was a bit of a spinoff from Ward's Black Dagger Brotherhood series. We start off this series right where we left off with the end of book five. In this book, we have Jim's final two tests in the war between good and evil. Davina is up a win, so everything is on the line.
This book is exactly what you would expect from a J.R. Ward book and falls right in line with the rest of this series. You still have tons of pop culture references, speech that doesn't quite fit the characters, and brand name dropping. Nothing anymore than we've had with all of her books, so you shouldn't be surprised.
The biggest surprise to me was the entire series timeline is only about six weeks long. I guess while reading, I always thought that the timeline was longer. I was really surprised to hear that it had been less than three months since Jim's original death.
Sissy has a very large part in this book, as she is the sixth soul that Jim is set to save. Adrian and Jim are trying to keep her out of the war, but she wants no part of that. She wants to help, even though she doesn't know she is the soul to be saved. After Jim obsessing over her for the past few books and losing more than one win because of her distraction. Jim and Sissy finally get together and it is remarkably tame for Ward.
Overall, I think this book wrapped up the series pretty well. There are several questions that are answered. We see more than one happy ever after. Pretty much all the recurring characters have plenty of page time, especially Adrian. I don't think this is the last we will see of some of the characters from this series. Ward has pretty much left it open for some to make an appearance in the Black Dagger Brotherhood.
Eric Dove has narrated all of the Fallen Angels books. He does a good job and I've enjoyed his narration from the beginning. I started this series on audio, so he is pretty much the voice of Jim, Adrian, Davina and the gang. I think is pace and emotion are done well. There are on a handful of women that are ongoing in this series, Davina, Sissy and Davina's therapist. Davina has a very sultry voice which Dove does well. Sissy has a much more naive voice, but as a young virgin, it seems to work for her. He also does the stuffy Nigel, Collin and the other archangels well. You are never guessing who is talking, as he does a great job with separating the voices of each characters.
I like to thank Penguin Audio for providing me with a copy of this audiobook in exchange for an honest review.