Written on Dec 5, 2017
2nd Read - A great intro to animal adaptations and blubber for my STEM kids.
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Sophie does not want to do her homework, a research report on polar bears. Bor-ing. They’re big. They eat things. They’re mean. What else is there to say about them anyway? As it turns out, plenty. And when a polar bear named Olafur swoops her away to the Arctic, she soon learns all about the playful bear’s habits and habitat—from glacier mice to northern lights—and, against her first reservations, she even finds herself interested. When the two are swept out to sea on a glacier, Sophie’s new knowledge and knack for creative thinking pay off in a big way: she calls a whale to their aid! Inspired by her journey, she’s ready to return home and take another swing at her assignment, this time with gusto. The Bear Report showcases the power of curiosity and imagination to fill in any blank canvas, whether it’s an incomplete homework assignment or the Arctic ice.