Written on Apr 1, 2015
★★☆☆☆ Passengers - Tam sees Andrea on the train every day, but has never talked to her despite seeing that she's always alone. And then one day she goes for it, and that's it. I'm sure there's some deeper, profound meaning here, but I didn't sense it. I really liked Andrea though, and how she's not afraid to be herself even if it keeps others at bay. These are two characters I'd have loved to read a full length book about, since these few pages didn't do them justice.
★★★☆☆ Can't Stop this Feeling - I liked this one. Mariah is terrified of being labeled as gay, even though she is. She stalks the classroom that her school's GSA meets in, but never gets the courage to go in. I could definitely believe her fear, but she also wants to let her real self out. It was just a nice, quick glimpse into that fear of figuring out your sexuality but not knowing how to embrace it.
★☆☆☆☆ After Alex - Breakups are hard. I get it. Especially when you don't see it coming. But this was just Rachael moping about after Alex breaks her heart, and then her friends telling her what a player Alex is and how she shouldn't take her back. Then flashbacks of what a player Alex is. Well, duh! I just really do not like stories like this, although it was nice to have one where it was just about real relationship problems rather than LGBT issues.
★★★★★ Inside/Outside - This one started off super cute: card shopping for the crush! I thought that would be it, and I was fine with that. But then...that last line! Ooooh! I want to know what comes next! Dang!
★☆☆☆☆ On the Floor - Basketball. Yawn.
★★★★☆ Stone Cold Butch - This story made my stomach turn. That's just sick and awful. It probably would have gotten another star if not for Taunia. She was super annoying and I don't think added anything to Cam's story.
★★★★☆ Abstinence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder - This was an interesting one which touched on sex, religion and friendship. It opened up with that age old question regarding abstinence: what if you don't plan on getting married? Or aren't allowed to in Aimee's case. Also, why don't sexual education classes talk about same-sex sex? I know mine didn't. This story will make you think.
★★★★☆ Boi - That was depressing. People are so effed up. Seriously. Vince is trans and is saving up for the operation, so for now ze just "binds and packs." Until one night when some jerks take their "fun" too far. Vince's cousin is amazing. But...people suck!!!
★★★☆☆ TIAD - Another one about a breakup, but unlike the first, Hayley is actually trying to move on. She finds someone to talk to in a chat room, then it moves to IMs, and finally to the phone. Then there's a pretty great twist at the end. I would have liked it more if it weren't for the insta-love, which felt very unbelievable given the circumstances.
★★★☆☆ Two-Part Invention - Kat is in love with her friend from music camp. They've been attending for years, and this is the summer before senior year. The last summer. So she's going to tell her. This one was super cute! The ending was cheesy, but it was cute. A good way to end a rather dreary collection.
Read more of my reviews at Pinkindle Reads & Reviews.