Written on Jul 5, 2015
Charley Bordelon’s father grew up poor in Louisiana. His dream was to escape to California. Right before he planned to leave he impregnated the girl he was dating. That child’s name was Ralph Angel and he grew up with his mother in Louisiana.
Mr. Bordelon did go to California and became wealthy in real estate. (I wish the book had explained how that happened.) He married an upper class woman and then had Charlotte, who they called Charley. She grew up privileged in California. Ralph Angel came to live with them but was sent back to Louisiana after making several attempts to hurt baby Charley.
Now their father has died and Charley and Ralph Angel are reunited in their grandmother’s house in Louisiana. Charley is there because her father left her a sugar cane farm that she didn’t know he had. She is an art teacher and knows nothing about farming. She is a widow and has a daughter. She needs to start her life over and thinks that this farm may help. She doesn’t realize that her father’s absentee landowner status has allowed the manager to get out of keeping up the farm.
See rest of the review at http://www.spiritblog.net/?p=8816