Written on Jul 2, 2014
I enjoyed reading this book. I usually like fast-paced books. This one wasn't fast-paced but it was good book overall. I love Chase's character so much. He is so persistent in dating Amanda and he is very sweet and lovable. He does have one flaw that I don't really like. If you have read Big Girl Panties then you know what that flaw is. I personally didn't like it so much, especially because I could relate it to Fifty Shades Of Grey in a way.
I love Amanda! She is definitely my favorite character. She frustrates me to no end but I love her come backs and how she handles Chase. She shows more of her true colors in Big Girl Panties and I love her character more on that book than this one.
If you are looking for a not-so-fast-paced read with descriptive sex scenes and come backs, then this book is for you. I personally paid more attention to Chase's sweet side because I fell in love with that side, I really did. All of the nice things he does for Amanda...perfect.