Written on Apr 4, 2016
We are back with the Hard Ink crew, as they continue to unravel the mess the colonel left for them. The focus of this book is the romance between Shane and Crystal. Crystal is stuck in a bad situation. She has been used, abused, and is essentially imprisoned to this life she doesn't want. She is very selfless, and sacrifices her own wants and needs to take care of her sister. How do you not love her? I had tears in my eyes as she recounted some very horrid events in her life to Shane. It really broke my heart, but Crystal was able to find enough strength to keep going. I admired her for that. Shane was perfect and swoony, the way I like my heroes. I loved how Crystal just being his life was helping alleviate some of the guilt he is buried under.
We discover more layers of our guys, as we continue to enjoy their interactions. I love the chemistry between the guys. That brotherhood bond is so strong! I look forward to more adventures with these guys.