Mean Streak by Sandra Brown was a fantastic break for me. It's been such a long time since I've read a romantic suspense and Mean Streak really brought it. I read this book during a busy time period for me. Work has been hectic for sure. It took me about 25% through the book to really get invested but once I was I couldn't put it down. This kind of surprised me because I've only read two other books by Brown and they fell flat for me. I wasn't sure what to expect and I think that worked to my advantage.
What I loved about Mean Streak by Sandra Brown is that I was constantly guessing. I didn't know what to think. For a romantic suspense or mystery that is the number two priority. I don't want to know who the bad guy is or what's hiding around the corner. I want to discover that as the characters discover it. That happened for me in this book. I really enjoyed having that because it takes a crafty writer to be able to do that for me.
If that was my second priority, what is my first? Characters. If I don't connect with the characters, I just do not enjoy the book. Unless of course I'm supposed to hate them and then I kinda love to hate them. Either way I didn't have a problem with that. I really enjoyed Emory's character. I enjoyed all of the characters. There were two that I hated but that was what was supposed to happen. I can't really go in to any more detail about the characters without giving the story away.
So far it sounds like this book should be a five star read but it wasn't. It lost a star for me when at the end a hot button topic was revealed. I don't really enjoy having those topics in my fiction. Reading for me is an escape so when the real world comes knocking in my escape I tend to get a little cranky. This was a minor problem for me. Brown's writing style, her characters, and the way she revealed it all to the reader is what made me really enjoy Mean Streak by Sandra Brown!
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Author Bio: Sandra Brown is the author of more than sixty New York Times bestsellers, including DEADLINE (2013), LOW PRESSURE (2012), LETHAL (2011), TOUGH CUSTOMER (2010), SMASH CUT (2009), SMOKE SCREEN (2008), PLAY DIRTY (2007), RICOCHET (2006), and CHILL FACTOR, all of which have jumped onto the Times bestseller list in the number one to five spot.
Brown began her writing career in 1981 and since then has published over seventy novels, bringing the number of copies of her books in print worldwide to upwards of eighty million. Her work has been translated into thirty-four languages.
Brown holds an honorary Doctorate of Humane Letters from Texas Christian University. She served as the president of the Mystery Writers of American in 2012 and was named ITW's Thriller Master for 2008, the top award given by the International Thriller Writer’s Association. Other awards and commendations include the 2007 Texas Medal of Arts Award for Literature and the Romance Writers of America’s Lifetime Achievement Award.
Places to find Sandra Brown: Site ~ Facebook ~ Twitter ~ Pinterest ~ Goodreads
Purchase links: Grand Central ~ Amazon ~ Barnes & Noble ~ Kobo ~ iTunes