Written on May 10, 2014
This is a pretty cool cover. I like that’s it hand drawn, very nice.
Initial Thoughts
So this book is written using journal entries and letters. I was really nervous going into this book because usually I find it hard to follow journal entries. I was also nervous because it’s in the perceptive of a little girl and I thought that it might make it even harder to understand. Luckily it wasn’t as bas as I thought it would be.
My New BFF
Nadia. I really liked how grown up she had to be because of her situation. She was also really smart and just wise in general. Her little gift was really cool but her story was really sad. She was a character that was kind of just always around. I really liked her.
My Crush
No crush in this book. The characters were all pretty young and that would be weird. There were a lot of characters though so if that’s something you like, check out this book. They were all pretty young though but very interesting.
Writing Style
So this book is classified as a YA but I also think it’s a children’s book and an adult book at the same time. I feel like it’s meant for the 11 – 12 age group but an adult will enjoy it at the same time. It has something to do with how it was written. There’s journals from a younger child and some from a teenager and even some adult letters. It’s a pretty big mixture.
Closing Thoughts
I really enjoyed all the topics in this book. There was the kidnapping which was a thriller and then there was a lot of genetics involved which was kind of science like. There was just a lot of things happening to keep you entertained. I really liked the idea of the book. I thought that what the scientists were doing was pretty cool. Completely wrong and bad, but cool. I enjoy genetics though so this book was a little more appealing to me.
I ended up really liking the journal entries. It made it so you could see the story in a couple different perspectives. I do wish that we could have seen more about what happens after they got home though. Like their reactions or something. I’m not even sure what I’m talking about. I just wish there was more I guess.
There wasn’t a whole lot of action in this book I found. It was more like mental action. There was some things that messed with you a little bit but there was no huge showdown or something. There was a little action scene near the end that was pretty cool but that was the only action I found. Not that it was bad, just more of a warning for anyone who wants to read this book.
At the end it was a really interesting read. It wasn’t something I could read in one sitting and I couldn’t read it very fast either. I had to really concentrate to read it. If you like intense thinking books, this is the book for you.