The Story of the First-Ever Round-the-World Balloon Flight As Told by the Pilots "Both of us were being driven on by a colossal charge of hope, which sometimes became so strong that we had to take deep breaths and physically choke it down. The important thing, now, was to concentrate and not make any mistakes." -- Brian Jones, March 4, flying over the Sahara Desert "This is exactly my definition of adventure...a point at which you cannot avoid confronting the unknown, so that you have to dig inside yourself to find the courage and resources to deal with what may lie ahead, and to succeed." -- Bertrand Piccard, diary entry March 10, heading out over the Pacific
- ISBN10 0471378208
- ISBN13 9780471378204
- Publish Date 25 October 1999
- Publish Status Out of Stock
- Out of Print 16 January 2011
- Publish Country US
- Imprint John Wiley & Sons Inc
- Format Hardcover
- Pages 320
- Language English