Written on Oct 21, 2013
Eden is an actress from Iowa who has the hots for her best friend/next door neighbor, Jay. Jay is a cop and he’s trying his damndest to keep things platonic between him and Eden because his world is filled with danger and he doesn’t want to subject Eden to all of that. At the same time, he won’t give up his dangerous job or world because of reasons that are his own. But damn does he want Eden.
Their coming together story was too cute for words. Eden wants to be more than friends with Jay and with the help of her friends, she finds out a way to make that dream, a reality and the way she went about it was cute and funny. Jay was a total stud and I ate him up.
This was a great, quick read for those times when you don’t have the time or energy to invest in a drawn out drama of a book. It was enjoyable. I will definitely be checking out more from this author in the future.