Written on Jul 4, 2015
What I can say about this book is that it ended up surprising me. I thought for sure in the beginning that I was going to hate this book because the heroine wasn’t really likable to me and the back and forth between here and then got on my nerves but I will say that JJ McAvoy did a great job of making me keep reading. I kept telling myself that I was done when Thea would snap at Levi about something dumb or when Levi would do something in class that made me low key not like him but I kept reading and when I finished, I wasn’t mad.
This wasn’t an easy book to read and while the characters made me roll my eyes down the street from time to time, there were things that I did like. I liked the relationship between Thea and her sister. I liked that her being black and him being white wasn’t a big deal. I liked Levi’s sister and best friend and I liked seeing Levi and Thea’s week together. So while this wasn’t the best book that I’ve read, it was still interesting and Thea’s story really came together in the end which was good so that’s something. And that cover? HOLY HOT DAMN, I LOVE IT!
Grade: 3 out of 5