Written on Apr 20, 2020
Canadian Women Now + Then is a collection of illustrated biographical vignettes of over 100 Canadian women from the past and present. Released 7th April 2020 by Kids Can Press, it's 80 pages and available in hardcover format.
This would make a superlative classroom/library resource, homeschool aid, or a fun and interesting entertaining read. The biographies are as varied as the subjects and are grouped thematically: engineers, mathematicians, cultural icons, musicians, athletes and many more. Each of the categories is represented with two short biographies; one who is currently active and one from the past. The biographies include birthdates, active years, awards and recognitions, as well as a short biographical write-up and an illustration. There are no photographs but the illustrations are quite well done and appealing. There are also mentions of other noteworthy women in each category for further reading. The book includes a useful index as well as resources for further reading.
It's aimed at middle school readers (ages 9-12) and the information provided in the biographies is relayed honestly and in an age-appropriate manner.
Five stars. Well written and appealing, I learnt quite a lot from this short collection.
Disclosure: I received an ARC at no cost from the author/publisher for review purposes.