Written on Sep 23, 2016
Part of a series review
In this second book, we go outside the town of Grundy and to Cooper’s original werewolf pack and his sister, Maggie. Nick is in town to do some research. You can imagine how well that goes with the secretive werewolves. He is a nerd in every aspect. He is a trekky and he has written the guides for a gaming series that has made him very financially stable. These two coming together was a lot of fun.
“She had a knack for relieving the tension in a room by pretending my rudeness away with cooking. Many, many chickens had given up their lives to cover my conversationalist shortcomings.”
“Look, Mags, I’m not any happier about him being here than you are. But I think we should take a more subtle approach than your usual ‘bite first, bite again, keep biting until they’re too busy bleeding to death to explain themselves’ method.”
“It if ain’t broke, don’t fix it,” I shot back.
“I’m happy either way,” Nick said. “Oh, that’s sweet.” Cooper chuckled. “You think you have a vote.”
This is a really fun series and revisit for me. There is an individual storyline for each book, so you can read them in whatever order you want. However, new characters are introduced in each book, so you won’t know the nuances with each of them, but you will still get the story. This is a great series for people who love werewolves and especially humor. If you’ve read the Jane Jameson series or the Half Moon Hollow series by Molly Harper, this takes place in the same world and there are a few little Easter eggs for those readers. If you haven’t read those series, you will not be lost with this one. This was my first series with Molly Harper.
As you can see from the quotes that I picked from each book, the dialogue is the best part of this series (and all of Molly Harper’s books, in my opinion). She is a go-to author for me when I need a pick-me-up. She is always able to make me laugh.
Anything by Molly Harper is a must listen for me. I love Amanda Ronconi’s narration of Harper’s work. She really brings out the snark of all the characters. I love her use of different types of Southern voices and the Alaskan voices.