Five reasons to read Winter and the Lunar Chronicles
- Originality- I love how Meyers gave each book a character and a story weaving all of them together as we moved towards battle with our villain Queen Levana. Never have I read a retelling so spectacularly done. Meyers blended science fiction and fantasy into the story introducing readers to the genres and nothing tickles me more.
- Friendship- I loved the bonds that formed between these characters. Loyalty and the depth of caring that develops was strong and felt authentic. This motley crew of different personalities formed this family.I believed them, understood them and rooted for them.
- Plot-All of the stories were well done, but Winter kept me on the edge of my seat from the very first chapter. Meyer weaved these different threads and intense battle scenes into an epic tale. All of the characters face down death, so many times, I steeled my heart thinking this is it she is going to kill off so and so, and then I will have to hate her. One moment it seemed we would triumph and in the next chapter, we were doomed. What a roller coaster of a ride. I have heard a few people say there was too much going on, but I never felt Meyer lost control and appreciated all the threads. I tried to savor the story but never have so many pages slipped through my fingers so quickly.
- Romance The romances in the series were served as side dishes allowing for the intense action and twisted plot to develop. They were brought to the forefront for a spell allowing us to fall for and believe in them before being pushed to the back. This left the reader to trust characters saw growth and made progress. Each couple had their own moments and their own obstacles to overcome. As my young friends would say, I loved all the ships! Each couple was tested, separated and made to suffer but along the way, I connected and fell for them all. I did have a favorite couple, but I will leave you to decide yours.
- Villains- Meyer’s gave us plenty of characters to loath, fear and dare I say long to burn. From Cinder’s stepfamily to the wretched Queen herself. I loved to hate them and oh, how Meyer has made me loath them.