Written on May 16, 2016
This book was tons of fun. Our MC is Max, or rather "Just Max". He sort of just gets by in everything, but then one night he gets a card from the Chaos Club.
I, Max Cobb - Mr. 2.5 GPA, Mr. No Social Life, Mr. I'm So Lame the Career Interest Survey Recommended "Worker" As My Future Profession
This event is a disaster of sorts, but sets Max on a path of becoming "Not Max". He, and the other "Water Tower 5" victims decide to embark on a prank war. During the months that follow, Max grows and changes, like any well written YA protagonist should, and I throughly enjoyed his journey.
I loved the pranks, the banter, and the friendships that grew from this common bond. I loved all the references to great heist films, and all the accompanying "rules". I have read some people calling this "Ocean's Eleven meets The Breakfast Club" and comparing it to a hybrid of The Goonies and The Breakfast Club, and I say, "YES!".
You will cheer when the Five succeed, and feel a little bummed when they fail, but man, you will laugh, smile, and fist pump many times along the way.