Written on Oct 20, 2017
While the story is not noted as being part of the Donnigan series, this book features Ava’s crazy cousin, Sadie and her brother Elliot. We met them in A Sure Thing and they were hilarious. They reminded me of Will & Grace and it is funny that that show has just returned to TV. Since this book wasn’t noted as part of the Donnigan series, I didn’t realize until I started reading who was featured in this story. I hope Elliot gets his own story someday as well.
I loved that Sadie for all her snarky humor is an introvert and prefers to stay in rather than socializing. Even when Elliot forces her to attend a Halloween party for the purpose of socializing and promoting their business, she finds a quiet corner to hang out in so she can be by herself. She then meets a masked devil (Gear Blackstone) and they have fun together in their hidaway and their good time culminates into hot sex in the dark corner and turns their lives upside down.
Although they are both masked, a check with the host garners Gear the name of his hot Xena Warrior Princess and he goes to the shop the next day to return Xena’s sword which she left behind. Sadie was quite distracted when she left the party since after the hot sex, she managed to punch out Gear’s ex-fiance. Gear’s exes (finance and best friend) had an affair and managed to steal his show/garage where he made custom bikes. Not only did they stab him in the back, they made Gear out to be the bad guy and since Gear is as unfriendly as Sadie, it wasn’t hard to get the public to believe that all the show’s problems were caused by Gear.
I liked how Gear and Sadie’s unsociability linked up in a fun way rather than just being two grumpy people barricading themselves against the world. They were funny and entertaining. They both had issues with being mistreated by people who they thought loved them, leading to some fears about trusting again, but overall it was a really entertaining story.
This was a fun, light-hearted story and while there are some drop ins from the other Marie Harte series, this could definitely be read as a stand alone.