Written on May 20, 2017
Romancing the Rogue hit all the right spots, and I loved the forbidding castle in which Rebecca felt so at home.
Rebecca has been living hidden in a huge gothic castle ever since her parents passed away. Now, her uncle had passed away as well. And she was being sent on her way by the relation who inherited the castle. When she hears that Daniel is coming for the reading of the will, all kinds of memories assail her. He was the young man who humiliated her more than once in the past. And at the same time, she loved him very much.
Once Daniel arrives, Rebecca wants to continue to hide, but he has other plans. When he sees her again, there is a spark of recognition and of something more.
Rebecca loved the old castle, and she had been keeping the books for years. Having to leave it all behind hurt her just as much as arriving had hurt her after her parents' death.
Daniel was a bit clueless in some ways. But once he realized that he could have it all with Rebecca, it was a go.
Writing style :
Written in third person past tense, Romancing the Rogue is mostly from Rebecca's perspective, and the dialogues and descriptions made me feel like I was in the middle of the story.
Feels :
At first everything was dark and quite sad, but little by little, I felt hope. Then, came the chemistry, some humor and deep conversations that made me happy.
She lay her stick across the green and perched her derrière up onto the wooden edge of the billiards table. "Do you play often back home?" Did he? Daniel was finding it hard to concentrate. All he could think was that in the space of half an hour, she'd gone from the most intriguing woman of his acquaintance to probably the most fascinating woman on the planet.
Daniel was not, nor would he ever be, her beau. He had told her so when he was only seventeen. His grandmother had told her so. Repeatedly. She was simply not ton material. Society itself pointed out the chasm at every turn.