I stuck my finger under the edge of the paper and jerked it under the tape. 'Shoot,' I muttered when the paper sliced my finger. A single drop of blood oozed from the tiny cut. It all happened very quickly then. 'No!' Edward roared ... Dazed and disorientated, I looked up from the bright red blood pulsing out of my arm - and into the fevered eyes of the six suddenly ravenous vampires.
For Bella Swan, there is one thing more important than life itself: Edward Cullen. But being in love with a vampire is more dangerous than Bella ever could have imagined. Edward has already rescued Bella from the clutches of an evil vampire but now, as their daring relationship threatens all that is near and dear to them, they realise their troubles may just be beginning ...
- ISBN10 1904233864
- ISBN13 9781904233862
- Publish Date 5 April 2007 (first published 1 September 2006)
- Publish Status Out of Print
- Out of Print 5 March 2021
- Publish Country GB
- Publisher Little, Brown Book Group
- Imprint ATOM
- Format Hardcover
- Pages 576
- Language English

Jacob was a tad annoying and I didn't get the whole forced tension with Edward leaving but you gotta write something, am I right?


Michael @ Knowledge Lost
If you have read my review on Twilight, you must be wondering why I decided to read New Moon. Torture, joining the social commentary or most likely peer pressure. If you follow me on twitter or have read my post on reading Twilight then you know the fun I had with live tweeting the entire book in all its weirdness. This is what happened again with New Moon (see below for a full read of those tweets) and I think this was the only reason why I decided to continue, because truth be told, I hated the books but really enjoyed making sarcastic remarks about them.
Let’s have a quick look at the book. I’m not going to go into deep analysis of New Moon; I would have to read the book closer for that and really I only skimmed it to race through it. This is not to say I didn’t read the book, I am well aware of the plot and the key themes but this book had so much padding that skimming was the only real way to get through it. There was a paragraph dedicated to the voice of Edward Cullen and almost a full chapter where Bella and Alice flew to Europe (nothing else happened on the flight).
Bella is as always so co-dependent that it makes me sick; when Edward left she latched on to Jacob. She tells herself that she is not capable of falling in love again, like a whiny heartbroken teenager that thinks this is the end of her life and yet she is happy to lead Jacob on. There even was a time when it felt like she was going to be co-dependent on Alice; this would have made it more interesting.
Jacob started off as a whiny little lovesick puppy following Bella around everywhere. Then when it was revealed he was a werewolf he turned into a real asshole, too cool to hang out with a girl because he was in a gang. He went from one extreme to another and I just hated Jacob, there was a joke made by one of my Twitter followers of this being character development and it is sad to say this is the extent of development in the entire novel.
Apart from the constant angsty whining (and I normally love angst) this novel never really went anywhere, it was just 500 pages of treading water. The major problems I had with New Moon are (and I’m picking my top couple out of a long list), firstly the lack of consistency. Twilight and New Moon seem to contradict each other in so many ways; in book one Bella got sick at the smell of blood but in New Moon she was bleeding all over the place frequently and never seems to get sick. Then there was the fact that Stephenie Meyer, instead of doing a little research, ignored any mythology and just made up her own. This really annoyed me, some slight changes in the vampire/werewolf mythology is acceptable if you are going to use it but to make a vampire sparkle so you can spend pages on how much Edward is like diamonds is ridiculous.
I hate to say this but I will probably read Eclipse and Breaking Dawn just to live tweet them, I don’t expect to like the books but I can’t help reading them. Obviously I pay them out but I do try to analyse them to see if there is anything interesting there; wishful thinking. I will need long breaks in between the novels but you can look forward to reading my thoughts in the very distant future. I doubt I will ever like this series but at least I have evidence to back up my claims.
Check out my live tweeting at http://storify.com/knowledgelost/reading-new-moon/
This review originally appeared on my blog; http://literary-exploration.com/2013/10/28/book-review-new-moon/

Again, the plot isn’t very exciting. Victoria is still at large and actively seeking out Bella, but nothing really happens with her. There’s not even a single face-off with her. It’s a very background type conflict, but at least Bella seems afraid of her this time. Most of the story is just focused on Bella’s extremely frightening post-breakup behavior. There’s 3 months of blank pages, because Bella apparently did nothing but breathe until Charlie finally said he’d had enough. Bella was more zombie than vampire, but once she starts hanging out with Jacob she starts to come to life.
I adore Jacob. I was totally on Team Jacob until I read Breaking Dawn the first time. However, now I can see that Bella was definitely never interested in him in that way, so there is no Team Jacob. She admits that she wants to “stake a claim” on him a few times, so that she won’t be alone and to make him happy. It’s actually kind of scary how attached she becomes to Jacob in Edward’s absence. She is 100% codependent and cannot live without a teenage boy by her side at every moment.
Let’s not even go into Bella’s hallucinations that she puts her life in danger to have! That’s probably the most disturbing thing about this book. While I wanted to slap some sense into her, I couldn’t stop reading. Bella is such a train wreck. There’s two particular moments that had me going WTF?!
“Was I dying again, then? I didn’t like it — this wasn’t as good as the last time. (pg 364)” I’m sure that needs no explanation.
Then there was: “I couldn’t comprehend what this human woman was doing here, totally at ease, surrounded by vampires. (pg 463-4)” Um, Bella, seriously?! Her whole goal in life is to be surrounded by vampires forever and ever…
Anyway, I’m probably more in love with this series than I’m letting myself believe. I do think I like New Moon better than the original, but it also features my favorite characters (Alice and Charlie) more, so perhaps I’m biased.
Read more of my reviews at Pinkindle Reads & Reviews.

This is not the YA series to pick up if you want a good story. I will forever despise this series.

I've previously mentioned the Twilight Saga is one of my favorite series, so this rating might come as a shock. To be completely honest, I really enjoyed New Moon the first... three times I read it or so. It wasn't until I was more versed with reading that all the issues I had with it sprang at me all of the sudden.
And once I realized all those things, I couldn't unknow it.
Because in terms of plot, this book would now make me throw it against the wall in a raging fit. Like, I'll be the first to protect the Twilight Saga - I still proudly admit to loving it, even when people scoff at me. But this book... This book...
New Moon made me hate characters that I absolutely loved in Twilight.
The first of which? They name is Bella Swan. Oh Bella, how have thee fallen! I couldn't stand your behavior in this book, at all. I thought of you as a smart, courageous, active character, but in this book you threw it all away in order to become pathetic and passive.
The sum of Bella's (in)action in this installment: moping around, finding no point in life, worrying everyone in her life, forgetting all her friends, and the only times she makes decisions are based on the off chance Edward will come back. Yikes, I was shouting at her the whole time!
And when this start to dissipate? When Jacob, another male, enters the picture. Without him, she'll still be a living corpse. I wanted her to show some strength and pull out of it on her own, if only to prove to girls out there that while having a boyfriend is nice and dandy, it does not define who you are, and you are not left with nothing without him because you always have you.
Then there's Edward. Eddy, Eddy, Eddy... can I call you Eddy? When did you become so stupid? THAT'S your solution to things? Running away is one thing, but did you have to leave her in a freakin' forest on her own?? Not to mention the whole suicide deal was just face palm all around.
It felt to me like this whole book was Bella and Edward competing in the Worst Reaction to a Breakup tournament. And this is possibly the first time in history the judges will be compelled to award a couple the title.
And then there was Jacob. Jackie boy, get the hint. Bella is emotionally taken. Bella is saying NO. Back off, because this highhanded manner is just ruining all your future chances with her and the fandom. You were cute in the first book, but you're coming off way too forceful in this one. Lay off.
So that leaves me with liking.... um... er... no one? oops.
If this book was more than just its characters, and had an overall plot to focus on aside for the characters' general mopiness and lack of interest in life, maybe I could continue to love it with a clear heart. But it doesn't so I am forced to face the truth that this book just might not be good at all.
Even though I love it.
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Old Version
To read the organized version of this review, and more, go to my blog; Drugs Called Books!
I have to say something first - while I'm going to march on a rant, this book is good, and you will enjoy reading it. Fact is, I gave this book 4 stars at the beginning, but had to lower it. In terms of writing, this story is wonderful. It's gripping, a page turner and a great read. And still, I had to give it two stars after some serious considerations resulting from a session of complaints about Bella's behavior in this book with one of my best friends. Read the rest of the review for my arguments and reasons.
I love Twilight series. Basically, I'm not a Twi-hater. I love it for what it is - a romantic story about the the kind of love we all want to have. It's not Harry Potter, it's not the Hunger Games (which I've not read or seen, but know enough of to understand the two are vastly different) and any attempt to compare the two is meaningless in my view and means nothing. I do not look at it as something compare to, but as a creation on it's own, and I love it. It is one of my most favorite series, and I have two copies of each book in my house because me and my Mom fought on who get's to have the books in her room (yeah, we are slightly crazy...). I've read each book about ten times... in one year. So yes, I love this series.
I have read this particular book of the series about 5 times, maybe more. I gulped it down in one day, as I had the other books.
I gave it a low rating, especially considering I've given [book:Twilight|41865]five stars. Maybe it's because I love this series that I couldn't compromise and forgive the annoying bits--wait, it's all annoying bits... ~sigh~
Quite simply, I hated Bella in this book. I love her, but at a point I realized I really couldn't stand her behavior here and I nearly found it a personal insult to my somewhat feminist views (I'm not a radical, though). If we would've seen more of Edward, maybe I would've hated him to, and I sure didn't like Jacob. That leaves me with... um, no one. Oops?
Bella handles (or rather don't) Edward's departure by entering a long period of depression which starts to lift only when Jacob, another male, enters the pictures and pushes her slightly out of it.
She is so dependent on the men in her life that she is pathetic, in my opinion (and the thing is, she can be strong, as shown in [book:Breaking Dawn|1162543] and even Twilight).
So, Okay, you lost the love we all want to have - but, damn, girl! Show some strength! SOMETHING! Dear lord, she is simply annoying in this book! moping around and finding no point in life, staying there only in case Edward decides to come back, worrying everyone in her life and forgetting all of her friends, not eating... I was gritting my teeth and shouting at her in my head the whole time. She didn't care.
After all, we hear everything from Bella's POV, and let me tell you, it is an aggravating POV... as a hero, I find that Bella doesn't really do much on her own in this book. She is completely passive, which I dislike. Her entire world revolves around Edward. She depends on others to the point of being utterly out of it the moment she loses them, she doesn't change anything on her own - even all her freaky adrenalin junky thingy is caused because she can see Edward when it happens...
Edward pissed me off, as well. What kind of a solution is that, running away from her - leaving her in the middle of a freakin' forest, no less... not to mention the whole suicide deal... ~sigh~ maybe they're competing at "the worst reaction to a break-up" competition?...
And Jacob... I love Taylor Lautner's sexy self, adore those abs of his (Yes, Taylor is from the movie. No kidding?... You've to admit he's Yummy.) I love Jacob as a character, but I absolutly hate love triangels and the fact he just couldn't get the hint and really just forces himself on Bella drove me insane. Why does he want her, anyway? She's so meek and pathetic here...
Anyway, I enjoyed reading this book, but the more I read it the more I notice how annoying everyone are in this book, and how pathetic the plot in this book is. I love the series, But I couldn't bring myself to to give it high stars because, honestly, plot-wise this book annoys the hell out of me. It won't stop me from reading it again and enjoying it (and once again rattling about all the annoying stuff, of course), but still. Hope this is not too contradictory for you guys...
To read the organized version, go here


*** 2014 *** Sorry for the hating. I wrote this a while ago. It even scares me! With the Caps and all D= Seriously, this series had potential. The only problem were the characterization and lack of a solid plot.
I'm working on a story Bella-free, since Edward is still salvageable you can check it out here You Again!