Written on Feb 2, 2014
August then does some really dumb, human male type things to win over Nichole. August isn't able to enthrall Nichole, but he can enthrall her husband. He forces the husband, Dominic, to no longer love his wife. August is hoping that if Nichole feels neglected, she will give him a chance. After months of neglect, and Nichole still loves her husband, August decides he can't wait any longer. He kidnaps Nichole. This is when things start to turn dark. There is are some scenes where Nichole is put into an insane asylum against her will and it isn't a good experience.
If you've ever read a book by Kitty Thomas, you know that she writes some pretty dark books. The stories always have some sort of kidnapping or non-consensual or coercion into sex. This story is no different, but is lighter than most of her stories. It also isn't heavy in detailed sex scenes as some of her previous book. I don't feel that either of these depletes the story in any way.