Beth C.
Written on Dec 12, 2015
Frankly, what drew me to this novel was the "Regency London" and the possibility of a fantasy world intertwined. I was hesitant, simply because I am not a romance reader, and often Regency London and romance are horribly intertwined. Thankfully, that was not the case here. There is a smidge of romance, but it is tasteful and minimum. The majority of the story revolved around Helen and her background, while also dealing with monsters that l thought were unusual and interesting.
It was quite apparent that Goodman did quite a bit of research on this period in time, and the use of actual historical people within the story adds a layer of realism that worked quite well. The characters are all well fleshed-out, and the settings are done almost as well.
Frankly, I went into this novel a bit skeptical (this is the first novel I have read by this author), but I finished the book far into the night, knowing I had to be up early the next day. It was just that good. I look forward to the continuing adventures of Lady Helen in the next book!