Written on May 11, 2014
The blurb was what drew me in. In dire straights and in need of a financial miracle, Kyrie is trying to make ends meet by working temp jobs. When she gets fired from her latest temp job, she finds herself in a precarious situation. There’s no way she’ll be able to continue to support herself, brother and mentally ill mother who is in a nursing home.
It’s the next day or so when she gets a check in the mail, written to her for ten thousand dollars. Initially Kyrie is very shocked to receive such a large amount of money from an anonymous donator. She talks it over with her best friend, and thinks the best thing to do would be to cash the check!
Seems like an insanely stupid move, but I think I’d do the same thing if I was in her situation. This goes on for a year, every month checks are sent. The first three containing the words ‘You belong to me.’ Which makes this book sounds even better! Makes you wonder what’s gonna happen next!
After a year of checks, a man comes to collect Kyrie. She’s finally been called upon to pay her debt back. Because there’s no way someone would just give another person 120 thousand for free.
Kyrie is afraid, and angry when she first meets Harris, who was sent to collect her. She does not like being treated like an object, to be collected and brought to an owner. It’s with a great amount of resistance that Kyrie has her bags packed and is brought to New York to meet her owner.
There’s a catch though, she has to wear a blindfold around the man who gave her all the checks. Why, I think it was because he didn’t want her to recognize him, which she didn’t anyways, and also for Kyrie to learn to trust the man she was now living with.
Without ever seeing his face, Kyrie is brought to her knees in arousal. The mans mere voice was enough to make this young woman quiver in anticipation for what was to come. Despite the fact that she hasn’t seen his face, and isn’t allowed too until Mystery Man allows her to, and the fact that he could be some creepy old man. Which was a thought that crossed her mind.
It only takes three days, and sexy night at the opera for the blind fold to come off. And from then on, which I think is about 30% in, is nothing but sex, foreplay, hot-steamy scenes. While there’s nothing wrong with that, there was plot at the beginning of this book! Especially since there’s a big secret that Mystery Man lets Kyrie know about, something that would change their relationship forever!! Oh no! The drama, you would think that would be more prevalent in the story! But no…after sexcapade after sexcapade, we are given THE TRUTH, at 80%. Right out of the blue!! There’s no build up..nothing! It’s just..he decides to spill the beans after another night of awesome sex.
Not gonna lie, I started skimming through the sex scenes just
The percentages of story to plot would be…First 30% plot…30-80% constant sex 0 plot. Then the last 20% of the book was plot revelation. Which I found to be so predictable, and a major let down. She finds out the secret, and leaves.
But she will still get her bills payed by this guy!! Even though at the beginning he said if she leaves she’ll be on her own.
SOMEONE EXPLAIN HOW THAT WORKS!? Before he fell in lust with her he would have sent her on her way to face the world alone, but now that they are “in love”, he’ll provide for her.
I felt 0 connection between the two characters. Kyrie started out really cool, then just got stupid and goopy and annoying. The guy…wasn’t even very Alpha. There was nothing but lust between the two of them, despite Kyrie trying to justify her feelings for the man, and how nice, kind and concatenate he was. I didn’t buy any of it. I don’t know how their relationship will last.
Haven’t been this let down by a book in a long while. The blurb sounded amazing, but the book didn’t deliver. Which is a shame.