Written on Dec 27, 2017
I was a big fan of Poison's Kiss and was eager to see how the series ended. I was extremely happy with this sequel and almost wish it was not the end.
•Pro: In my review for Poison's Kiss, I stated that I wanted more of the Iyla-Miranda friendship in this book, and you know what? Shields delivered. I loved getting to the root of their relationship and watching each of them make sacrifices for the other.
•Pro: Shields gave us so much more of the folklore in this book. We learn more of the origin story and I found it all quite fascinating.
•Pro: We got more of the beautiful writing I admired so much in the first book as we delved further into this world.
•Pro: Good things finally happen for Iyla. I don't want to say too much, but the fates finally did her a solid, and I was simply overjoyed that Shields gave Iyla a little happiness.
•Pro: So many ends were tied up quite nicely. I am a closure-ho, so you know I was loving all the answers I got, and let me tell you, there were some fantastic reveals.
•Pro: This book was much more emotional for me than Poison's Kiss. Some many good, bad, and in-between things happen in this book, and as I was celebrating some amazing beginnings, I was mourning some heartbreaking endings.
•Pro: I just want to take this time to give Breeana Shields a standing ovation for that ending. She may have broke my heart, but she more of less put it back together with that conclusion. I am getting chills just thinking about it.
A round of applause for that ending!!!
Overall: A beautiful, emotional, and satisfying ending, which gave me closure and left me drying some happy tears.
*ARC received in exchange for an honest review.