Written on Jan 5, 2018
I didn’t mind the idea of the step-sibling romance to begin with when I first read the synopsis because I didn’t know the full story. But once I found out more about the relationship and the characters, I was a bit creeped out. Firstly, the two had been step-siblings since they were children. They weren’t teenagers who had been thrown into this situation. So even though they didn’t really grow up together (they lived in separate houses), I was still a bit creeped out. They also share a half-sibling, which is the part that I really took issue with.
I thought the characters made some really stupid decisions, like ditching their phones as they left the airport. Of course, they’re teenagers, and teenagers do stupid things, but it really aggravated me. I could buy them wanting to rebel to keep their (step-)parents together, but I couldn’t get over them getting rid of their phones.
I also really disliked Amos, the male main character. He was a complete ass. And the female main character, Flynn, kept going on about how she wasn’t like other girls. So yay.
I’m really disappointed with Layover because I really liked the concept. I just wish it had been executed better, and the characters had been given some development instead of staying so awful.