Jones does a wonderful job of refreshing our memories about the climatic events that occurred at the end of Dirt on Ninth Grave. Not that this reader needed refreshing, my jaw was still hanging open catching flies but it was lovely just the same.
Charley learned troubling things about Reyes and it is weighing heavily on her. Not to mention the separation anxiety she is facing regarding Beep. Their return has created a little distance between Reyes and Charley. I hated seeing this couple having marital trouble but between the stress they are under and those blasted prophecies, it wasn't hard to imagine.
Charley is working cases and as always, her life is crazy. She has folks stalking hers and trying to clear the name of murder suspect. In addition she is dealing with a blackmailer. Charley concerned Reyes might go nuclear has to decide whether to share information she learned with him. Jones created a great spin to this thread. I laughed when everything is revealed. Each of these threads was well done and laced with the danger, humor, and intense revelations.
Jones is a masterful storyteller and despite all that is going on I never felt overwhelmed. In fact, quite the opposite happened. The outside world slipped away and I completely lose myself in the story. Let us hope the Charley Davidson series never comes to Netflix because I would be a couch potato mindlessly sipping coffee and watching episodes for hours.
While reading Dirt on Ninth Grave I did not feel like we gained a lot of information towards the overall arc. After reading Curse of Tenth Grave I realized Jones revealed some significant information and Tenth clarified them. We have always known Reyes is the son of Satan, but in Tenth, we learn of his beginnings and life before he came to this plain. A certain promise made by Reyes to Michael has me a tad nervous. We had an intense scene that will leave readers wiping tears from their eyes.
Always the master juggler thanks to copious amounts of coffee Charley has a handle on things. Even if it feels like things are totally out of control. She is fearless and at reckless but she gets things done. She places a friend in jeopardy who plays a significant role in the future. I am curious about this friend and cannot wait to uncover their secrets.
Jones gives us plenty of romantic time despite all the nonstop action. She left me happy at least for the moment. Once again Jones fed my craving for this world, giving me all the feels from laughter to tears with a few swoons for good measure.
Copy provided by publisher. This review was originally posted at Caffeinated Reviewer