In 1984, Jim Davis created a groundbreaking series of illustrated short stories called Garfield: His 9 Lives, setting the Fat Cat in various eras, that became an instant classic, both as a book, and an acclaimed animated special. Now, join an all-star cast of cartoonists, including Andy Hirsch (Baker Street Peculiars), David DeGrand, Roger Langridge (Snarked), Brittney Williams (Goldie Vance), Frazer Irving, and Genevieve FT, as they depict Garfield through the ages, from prehistoric times, to the reaches of outer space, updating a modern classic for a new generation.
- ISBN10 1608868478
- ISBN13 9781608868476
- Publish Date 3 November 2016
- Publish Status Out of Stock
- Publish Country US
- Imprint Boom! Studios
- Format Paperback (US Trade)
- Pages 112
- Language English