Written on Nov 4, 2012
Anyways to the book. This one was definitely better than the first though I liked the first book "Beyong the Highlands Mist", this one was more intriguing. The cat and mouse game was entertaining and sometimes really aggravating. But that's what I love about the PNR genre. The love and the aggravation you get from the characters. A good book, gets you deeply involved not only in the storyline, but also in the characters especially if you are going to see these characters through out the series. I love Grimm, I love his name, and his real name too, I love Jillian she was feisty and never gave up on what she wanted. I have a thing about books with men who have had a tortured past, and Grimm well he definitely had a tortured past. But since I try not to go into too much detail about a book, so I don't ruin it for others (key word "Trying"). This book was awesome, others have said the books get much better as you go, well if they get better after this one, maybe we need a 6 or 7 star rating system. *wink wink*