Written on Jun 5, 2012
Sam has been around a long time and when sexy succubus Seline O’Shaw comes into Sam’s club, asking for his help and his protection, he doesn’t agree to help her right away. He knows when he is being set up, and he’s not entirely wrong. Seline does need help. She was sent to bring down Sam by an Angel of Justice who believes all of the Fallen must be punished and sent to Hell. Seline wants to get away from Rogziel, and Sam the only one she knows that would have enough power to free her from an angel’s hold.
Sam isn’t the only Fallen Angel who is being targeted for punishment and although Sam and Seline don’t completely trust each other, they try to work together to get to the other Fallen before it is too late.
Cynthia Eden is one of my favorite authors. She is a favorite because she never disappoints. I have yet to pick up one of her stories and not be grabbed up by the story from page 1. This story is no exception. And her heroes, whether they are weres, shifters, demons or Angels and all drool-worthy.
In Cynthia’s list of sexy, badass supernaturals, Sam tops the list as the sexiest, badass in Town and he knows it! Although Sam will leave you weak in the knees, I have already pledged my devotion to Det. Colin Gyth from Hotter After Midnight, so I will leave him to you to fight over.
If you haven’t read one of Cynthia’s books, WHY NOT!!! Grab one…any one…give it a try!!
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