Emma (SCR)
Our MC is Claudia. Claudia is a girl we can all relate to. She's in a relationship that isn't right for her, she's in a job she enjoyed but it's not her dream. Essentially Claudia is stuck in a rut. Over the course of the book, we see Claudia take a few chances and go on some adventures. I liked this side of Claudia. She's fun and free.
Claudia is best friends with Penny and Nick. Claudia is lucky to have such good friends. I loved both of these characters I would love to be friends with them myself.
I loved the 12 different dates. I loved how the book was split up and how each date location is the chapter title. I love things like this it just adds a little bit of uniqueness to the story.
I really enjoyed Lisa's writing style and I am excited to read more of her books.