I love a good, traditional, paranormal romance story. Midnight Hunter did not disappoint. Add in the forbidden romance aspect of the teacher/student trope, and *fans self* oh my goodness.
Shane and Vera have both obviously had the hots for each other for some time, but he is her professor and she his student. On top of that he is a member of the Execution Underground and she is a witch - the kind of being he usually hunts down - and of course neither of them think anything could ever come of their mutual attraction. *giggles with glee*
With many authors trying to throw crazy twists and turns, it is refreshing to read something that you know going in is going to work out, but you have no idea how. I went in trusting Ballenger to lead me to a satisfactory ending, and she did more than that, I was grinning like an idiot by the time I finished. I am anxiously awaiting her next installment in the Execution Underground series!