Written on Nov 24, 2014
Though you know how authors have their writing quirks? All authors have them, I think, myself included. Well, as far as I can tell, the Pennyroyal Green heroes have cocks that are always "so hard it hurt" when it's pushed against the woman's -- dare I say it? I dare -- hungry notch.
(Side note: hungry notch is probably my new favorite phrase, though I've since used it to describe what happens when your boobs aren't big enough to catch food particles that fall, so it lands in your crotch instead. I know you'll appreciate that image.)
Anyway. Other than cocks so hard they hurt (for both of the characters, I imagine), this latest Pennyroyal Green book was just as good as the others. I'm both fascinated and annoyed with the way each book expands on the love (or love lost?) between Lyon and Olivia because I'm dying to see their romance.
But as for Jules and Phoebe, they had a lovely story, complete with Jules chasing pussy (in both senses of the word), though him and the cat were pretty damn priceless. In some ways, their romance was rather... standard... for the genre, but I never once felt that way while reading, which is likely because there's always so much emotion packed into a single book.
One, very evil, thing was that this books starts at the end, six weeks ahead of where the story begins. It's maddening, until I forgot about, then remembered it about halfway through and wondered how it came to be. I'm of two minds for this. One, it's a good way to keep the reader reading, but it encourages the reader to skip ahead (or in my case read ridiculously fast enough it borders uncomfortably close to skimming) and that means missing out on the details.
I was still quite satisfied at the end, though.