Written on Aug 10, 2013
Two of the principles I have the most problems with are The Principle of Polarity and the Principle of Gender. Among other things these are basically dualism, while she explains polarity with some examples that are more circular than linear, I also have a problem with assigning attributes to gender. Receptivity is no more feminine than action is male. Assigning the loaded words Positive to masculine and Negative to feminine isn't neutral, it's loaded and it gives inbuilt bias against feminine, no matter how you try to load it differently. I have a lot of issues with all of this and it is part of the endemic attempts to pigeonhole gender and apparently ignore the variations of humanity and highlights such things as "all women" loving pink, heels, etc. Along with "all men" loving sports, DIY etc. These dualities are damaging and ignore the fact that everyone is different and that everyone should be able to like what they want and be the best themselves they can be. The book also equates monetary wealth with success, and while monetary wealth can make living in our current paradigm quite good, it's not always a source of happiness for people.
Interesting to read, to see how some people think of the world, it is not my worldview. I have severe issues with believing that people attract serious illness or tragic accidents to themselves, this victim blaming is damaging and it's where rape vicims often find themselves.