Written on May 5, 2016
It's definitely a case of just me. I think I've read too many books lately where there's been a death of a loved one. I'm just getting over one sad story and I'm moving onto another.
In this case I think the author spent too long with the heroine, Rachel, looking back on her life with her fiance. When I read a romance I want the heroine and the hero to be looking forward. I didn't feel a connection with Rachel at all and TBH I din't feel sad for her. The fiance dies almost immediately and the flashback (which are quite frequent) never really showed me their love, just their attraction.
Maybe, I started this book at the wrong time. I've gone months without reading books with death in it and in the last few weeks I've read four.
Lots of positive feedback from other readers, so don't use my review alone to decide whether to read it or not.