Adrian Rizzo gains the attention of a psychotic admirer when she becomes a celebrity fitness guru in this adult romantic suspense novel.
If you’ve read one Nora Roberts’ romantic suspense, you’ve read them all. They have similar story elements, particularly...
Adrian Rizzo gains the attention of a psychotic admirer when she becomes a celebrity fitness guru in this adult romantic suspense novel.
If you’ve read one Nora Roberts’ romantic suspense, you’ve read them all. They have similar story elements, particularly the story beats and romantic tone. In her books, you will always meet the love of your life, always find meaningful friendships, and always discover your life long (and lucrative) passion. I’ve been frustrated in the past with her books glossing over the realties of this success – how does all of this magically fall into place with time and money rarely being an obstacle? This time around, I let my expectations go and ended up enjoying the story more for it.
The romance between Adrian and Raylan was surprising and sweet. While NR has written about widows before, I felt like this was the first time her romance took the time to flesh out the deceased spouse (or at least a spouse that was not a terrible human being). I could be wrong, but it felt new and unexplored by her. While I think Lorilee is given too much sainthood, I did enjoy Raylan’s exploration of grief and his love story with Adrian. The other relationships in the novel, particularly Adrian’s complicated relationship with her mother, pulled together a well-rounded and interesting story. The suspense part of the narrative was rather predictable, but the HEA resolution always makes my day.
tl;dr Nora Roberts once again delivers a sweet romance with her usual flair and style.