Written on Apr 27, 2017
I was so excited for Slither, though I had to put off reading it for a bit with a sickness making the rounds and unable to concentrate. Once I got into it though, it flew by.
Of course there’s more to the situation than Elanor knows. Her being so naive and oblivious at first was a bit frustrating. I didn’t know or guess everything right away but it made me itchy waiting for her to clue in.
Soon she got her head in the game though, when she made a move and was finally included in the plotting, it was fantastic! She got things and was so capable. But then missed some pretty obvious clues again. Like talking about the old man, the riddler, the hostage? Come on!
I LOVED Patience! She reminds me of another character by the same name in the Elderling Realm. I really hope my ship for her sets sail in the next book *crosses fingers*
I like Adom and his plans for the dragons, though he has to know he can’t run both areas without a second. I wonder if someone will come up in the next installment to help?
The changeling’s abilities were obviously convenient. ‘Oh, if only we could do [this] but that’s not possible, no one can do that. [Hit roadblock] Guess what the next changeling can do!? *shock* Okay, it wasn’t story killing or anything, but felt clunky and amateurish with the execution.
I did not see the ending reveals coming and am dying to know what happens next with Elanor and Patience.
Great dragon fantasy, with a realm I want to know more about with the Sun setup, plots I want to follow, and ships I want to sail. If only it wasn’t so obviously and clunky with the plotting….