Written on Apr 14, 2014
This one had a lot less Jamie and Ryan. In fact, it had a whole lot of Jamie's powers which were never really the most interesting part of the story for me. They're kind of generic (admittedly it's really, really hard to do super powers well in our superhero saturated culture). I like that she's powerful and I get that's kind of the catalyst for the story. But it's not what makes it interesting.
Of course Ryan is in this story. And there are definitely cute moments. I like seeing their relationship be really solid and grounded and this pillar for her in the midst of this. But I still wanted more I think especially because of Teddy. He reminded me a lot of the character in [b:Chmeleon|16047646|Chameleon (Supernaturals, #1)|Kelly Oram|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1353464808s/16047646.jpg|21827630] who was all innocent and everything he did was so sweet or so adorable so whatever. I wanted Ryan to kick his ass more.
Especially with that epilogue! I don't even want to... seriously I'm not sure I want to read the next book. Because Teddy is going to be all stupid and an even bigger tool and i don't know if I can handle it. And Jamie is going to be all stupid without her memory and not trust basic instincts. And then Ryan is going to see her and be so glad she's alive but she will resist him because Teddy has her totally brainwashed by that point. But then Ryan will kiss her and it will make her trust him if not remember everything. I've seen and read this story way too many times and Teddy and Jamie annoy me too much without Ryan there to soften the blow.