Written on Oct 14, 2017
Alex moves to London after graduating as a playwright. Her enthusiasm for London (a place she has never even visited before moving to) is simultaneously cute and annoying. Of course, Alex runs into various "obstacles" to realizing her dream, all of which are easily overcome, and usually by someone other than her. Play gets stolen by Olivia? That's OK, she'll write two better ones! She needs to move out of her apartment? That's OK, her dad will give her rent money AND her friend's roommates will magically need to move out. Her job at the cafe is too far from the new apartment? That's OK, she'll get a job at the theater she's obsessed with, because she's JUST THAT GOOD.
Alex is such a Mary Sue it's frankly annoying. She treats her friends like crap, and they still bend over backwards to help her. Large chunks of the conflict revolve around the "jealous other girl" stereotype, and God, I am just so tired of that.
So why three stars? Because, at the heart of it, it's every geek girl's silly justice porn wish fulfillment fantasy. You know that, at the end, the girl is going to get the cute guy, the admiration of her idols, revenge on everyone who's wronged her, and a play that opens to rave reviews. A delicious homemade cake this is not, but sometimes it's nice to just eat the dang Ding Dongs.