Written on Sep 13, 2017
For one thing, the world building is so weak in this novel. I still have no idea what the world they live in is. I don't understand the Pyte and the Sentinels, what are the rules there, how does it work, what is their fucking mission, the differences between a vampire and a Master, if there are more supernatural creatures... NOTHING! It was just such a weak setting.
Then, there is the romantic story itself. For someone who has proven to me time and time again that she can wonderfully craft people falling in love, I was shocked at how weak this was as well. It's just like... why are they suddenly in love, aside for the fact they are lusting after one another. Don't get me wrong, there is a lot to love about Madison, but he's so cold to her and then so hot and I just got confused.
And Ephraim was so hard headedly stupid sometimes, always taking choice out of Madison's hands. Glad you apologize and everything, but stop fucking doing it.
My favorite part was actually the side characters because the kids are adorable and I loved Chris. Although Candy got on my nerves. I hate knowing there are actual horrible parents like her out there.
This book was also filled with editorial mistakes. I lost count of the times words or half sentences repeated themselves, or important parts of the sentence like "he" "she" "hers" "his" were missing, which is not a major thing but trying to figure out what you were supposed to read does take you out of the reading experience.
I WILL be reading more books in this series; for one, not all of the NFH books are hits for me while others hit gold, and for another, I have a feeling the rest of the series might cement this world a lot better as at least one novel will be about Chris and his duties as a Sentinel, which should clear some things up.