Written on Jul 5, 2014
This is the story begins with Ellie, 21 year old virgin, but ends with Ellie the woman. She thought it was such a stigma to be a virgin and she spent so much time, energy and money on trying to rid herself of this status. However, she has a bunch of experiences through which she actually grew -- emotionally, physically, personally. She started to take chances that went beyond the romantic realm and through those risks, she found herself.
Things I appreciated about this book
1. The humor -- it is funny. I am a sucker for a good laugh.
2. It's relatable -- as we follow Ellie through her escapades, you find yourself either remembering doing something similar or wondering about something similar.
3. It is honest -- Ellie, by being so inexperienced, could be nothing else but honest. She had honest conversations with her friends, honest entries in her diary, honest posts on her blog.
4. It was not all sunshine and sparklers. Although Ellie enjoys many successes, she has some failures. I like that everything doesn't go her way. The story isn't all "happily ever after". It makes it way more real.
Overall -- good, fun read.