Written on Jun 2, 2019
So right off the bat I have to comment on this cover. It is freaking smoking hot and I love everything about it.
As for the book itself...well it was pretty damn good as well. I always enjoy this author's writing style. It has an ease to it that makes reading her books enjoyable. The pace was perfect (apart from the ending). The plot was engaging. That said, I also thought it was underdeveloped regarding the heroine's background and the "baddie" situation. The resolution of all the plot points felt a smidge too easy and/or swept under the rug (if you will). I didn't find it particularly angsty. There was no OW or OM drama. The sex scenes were hot (some dub-consent). There were a few secondary characters I'd love to read more about. Especially Axel and Declan. And both Melissa and Hawk were likable main characters.
Last, and here is the major issue I had with this book, the ending felt SO rushed. I was at 90% and I kept thinking this must end on a cliffhanger because there were a lot things left to deal with. However, there is no cliffhanger, and I felt like there were many issues that needed more fleshing out. The baddie situation. Liza. Declan. Even the romance between Hawk and Melissa went at turbo speed in the last 10% of this book. I think a few more chapters of fleshing out would have made this book a 5-Star read for me.