Written on Nov 23, 2016
This is a story about how to get rid of demons. Most books about demons freak me out but this one did not. This book was recommended by my pastor since I was curious about information on demons and how we can recognize them and stuff like that. I have read the demonologist which scared the shit out of me. Seriously I would wake up for MONTHS after I read that book at 3 AM going OH NO DEMONS ARE GOING TO APPEAR ANY MINUTE NOW TO DRAG MY ASS TO HELL!. I go to church somewhat regularly, but I am far far far from a holy person. The demonologist told me that the devil appears at 3 am since Jesus died at 3 PM. Something about it be opposites, but ANYWAY, I felt that my fears were legitimate. Obviously, I not went to hell yet, anyway, but I have been morbidly curious. I mean WHAT IF MENTAL ILLNESS IS ALL DEMONIC AND THAT IS WHY MY DANG MEDS DONT WORK SOMETIMES? I mean I try everything else might as well give God a chance right??? In all seriousness though I have this morbid curiosity, but I am prone to nightmares, so I tend to stay away from the demon stuff. My pastor told me this book explains demonic forces but without the "gory" details. I read it slowly at first just in case there was something about how demons live in my Mac or something so I could shut the book if need be but no matter this book is tame.
There were just facts, simple facts, no gory details about how a demon somehow got into a doll and said doll attacked her owner and then all the gory details. No, just he had a demon of hate, so I commented that demon out and lo and behold no more hate. I am sorely tempted to try and cast out of demons of stupidity from Trump and his supports. Is there a demon of stupidity? Or is the lack of brains not being first in line the day God handed out brains?
The book explains how we all have the power if we are Christians to cast out demons but I am not risking nothing. If you got a demon in you and you counting on ME to help you-you are shit outta luck. I am not messing with any demons. But apparently, you CAN if you so choose.
The interesting thing is that the book said that demons come out through the nose and breath. I just found that fact morbidly interesting like you can throw up demons, cough them out or yawn. Between you and me I yawn a lot in church. I thought it was cause I am so not a morning person, and the church is in the morning, but maybe it is demons trying to break free? Who knows?
If you are looking for an in-depth study demonology, this book is not it. It is lite far compared to the demonologist and such books. But if you wanna battle demons it has some useful tips.This review was originally posted on Adventures in Never Never Land