Cocktails and Books
Written on Jun 30, 2013
Alex, The eighth Duke of Carrington, is not quite suited for Dukedom by societies standers. He more at ease with military life, having retired from that upon is elder brothers death.
Mia and Alex are thrown together after Mia witness a gruesome murder. Mia is quite certain she can help catch the murder, while Alex feels the no one would find credible because of her blindness.
The Secrets Of Mia Danvers was a great read, it brought together romance and mystery into amazing plot. The characters seemed real, I felt drawn into their world. The way the characters and plot, flowed and developed made very hard to put the book down. The Romance Between Mia and Alex was a bit drawn out, but it was definitely worth the wait in the end. I enjoyed all the different relationship dynamics that portrayed in this story.
I can not wait to read the rest if the Dangerous Liaisons Series, and see what Robyn DeHart has in store.
Reviewed by SammySosa for Cocktails and Books