Written on Oct 24, 2016
This book has its own twist to it, with the memory loss and PTSD, but the whole class difference in town and Shop in class.. car races.. It all reminded me too much of those I mentioned above.
The main characters were okay.. They were likeable enough, even though I wanted to shake Franky from time to time. She made some weird and stupid choices that made no sense at all.. She was so lucky things did not end up worse because of some choices. I did like how she wanted to add more by giving some of the side characters more depth (like Lex, Cruz and Abel) but all in all they were nothing special.. just kind of generic.
The romance was okay as well.. I liked their chemistry, but I thought they went way too soon over to the whole LOVE thing. They are 17/18 years old !! What do you know of the forever kind of love at that age !?! They barely know each other !
So all in all this book was okay. Not special, but well.. like a lot of other books in this genre. Though it does made me want to read Perfect Chem again haha ^^