Baroness Book Trove
Written on Feb 4, 2016
Ash and Snow is the second book of the series and I have to say that it’s a really good story. I think this is an actual book for the series not a Novella. I am glad that Mrs. Doyle asked me to read the first book in this series as I am now hooked on it and I can’t wait to see which fairytale she does next.
This book takes place a short time after Ash saves her brother from her evil mother. Who was trying to kill him so that she could make Ash even more powerful however Ash loses her magic in the process. This kind of backfires in the way that Ash is now dying from doing the spell. The Witch Council of course is trying to find a way to save her and make sure that she has full custody of her little brother. After she has a dream about something that could save her the council, especially her boyfriend are reluctant to help her. Even more so after she finds out that the little girl that was in her dream is in coma and doesn’t have long to live, much like Ash.
Ash takes off to find this cure with the help of the one person that she doesn’t want in her life ever again. Thankfully the book ends on a kind of happy note for both Kay and Ash. Ash and Snow is a brilliantly written book from Katie Doyle and one that I didn’t hesitate to give it five butterflies to. I can’t wait to see what happens in the future for these two especially with the predicament that Ash has put herself into after finding the cure.
Anyways until the next time enjoy this book review brought to you by
Baroness’ Book Trove.
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