Written on Apr 6, 2018
•Pro: I was instantly in love with Dom and cheering for her the whole time. I wanted more for her, and was beyond happy with where Champion took her story.
•Pro: Ben was so intense. I have a certain admiration for the dedication those who perform at an elite level have, and that intensity came through ten-fold with Ben. Watching him spiral out was really difficult, because I wanted him to succeed. The look we got into his world was quite intriguing as well, and I found all the musical references fascinating.
•Pro: The romance was wonderful! From the meet-cute to how Ben found Dom again. It all made my heart flutter.
•Pro: The setting was wonderful. I have a special place in my heart for NYC. I lived there until I was in my teens, and it is still my hometown. I love revisiting places I know, and Champion took us on a fun tour.
•Con: I had such a love/hate thing with the ending. I felt like I had enough closure for most of the characters, but I was still left a little wanting.
•Pro: These kids were my kind of people, as they shared my love for old movies, especially musicals.
•Pro: The mental health issues were well done. I diagnosed Ben well before his problems were acknowledged in the story.
•Pro: Cass was a top-notch friend. I absolutely adored him, and you could see how much he loved Dom. It was in everything he did for her.
•Pro: Dom's life was not easy. She was poor, and lived in an unsafe neighborhood, hoping to have enough to make ends meet, but Dom and her mom had each other, and their bond was quite beautiful.
•Pro: I loved the way Champion divided the book, and matched the pacing to it's musical equivalent. Ben was learning this sonata, and at one point, he explained the three movements of it, and I thought using the movements was an interesting way to divide the book.
•Pro: Though the book deals with some heavy issues, it was never too heavy.
Overall: An equally heartbreaking and heartwarming story.
*ARC provided in exchange for an honest review.