Written on Nov 22, 2016
Overall, The Grift of the Magi contained the same magic and charm of the series. I loved getting to hang out with all the characters again. Just being able to read about them, and especially Kat and Hale’s relationship, was worth the $2.99 I spent on this book.
The plot was interesting and kept me on my toes the whole way. That being said, I was a little bothered by some of the plot holes. Mind you, I spend through this book so maybe I missed something, but I felt like there were a lot of things left unexplained.
Despite some of its faults and its incredibility short length (it ended too soon), I still vastly enjoyed The Grift of the Magi. It was great to able to read about Kat, Hale, Gabrielle, and everyone else. It was even better to be taken on yet another ride and witness another adventure set in their world.
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