Written on May 26, 2013
I was very eager to read this conclusion to the Underlight Trilogy. In How Beauty Loved the Beast, Jolie and Hauk finally take that next step in their relationship. It felt like a long time coming, but it was certainly worth it! The focus is much more on the romance in this installment and I quite enjoyed that. Even though they’ve decided to start dating, there’s still something holding Hauk back from Jolie. I felt so sad for him, since he believes that Jolie deserves more than his damaged skin despite how fiercely she tries to convince him otherwise. I was seriously cheering for him to accept himself the way Jolie has, so that they could be together in all ways. Once they do…holy crap! It’s hot!
The plot was a bit rushed in this finale, so I didn’t enjoy it as much as the previous book. Ananke is still trying to bring down the Underlight, and this time they’ve got magic potions that can control the members and bring it down from the inside. Unfortunately, most of it was just a waiting game, as Jolie got news that the attack was coming some time that weekend. Life went pretty much on as normal, with lots of sexy times, and some heartbreaking scenes, until that attack finally came. The end is a happy one of course, but I still feel like I have questions about exactly what took place with Ananke. Overall, this was a pretty good trilogy and I’m glad I read it.
Read more of my reviews at Pinkindle Reads & Reviews.