Written on Mar 14, 2012
When Zee’s son calls, concerned that he can’t reach Phim, Mercy heads to his apartment to find he has been missing a few days. Phim is the book seller who lent Mercy a book on Fae fairytales in the last novel. Instinct tells her something is off, but she can’t be late for her date with Adam. Mercy has been healing and her relationship with her bonded mate Adam has been going well. On their date, he talks about setting a marriage date. Mercy knowing that some of the pack still resent her because of the problems she has caused them and hesitates. Adam gives her a month. While bowling, thoughts enter Mercy’s mind and she does something out of character. This causes her to fight with Adam. On the way home, she realizes someone was in her head influencing her…someone from the pack. Exhausted and upset with herself, she tries to get some sleep. She is awoken by a distressed phone call from Sam, “Come get me I am in the x-ray closet.” The tale that unfolds is fast paced, filled with danger, and finds Mercy in the middle of it.
As much as I love Mercy and admire her fearless kick-ass attitude, I would not want to be her ( even though Adam is yummy). She can never catch a break, or even have a nice uneventful date with Adam. We see some more growth in her, as she comes to terms with letting someone in, the rough thick walls she has built around her heart. Adam is as always, swoon worthy. His pack is in trouble, he is pushed and challenged in this novel, and almost loses everything. I love the way he declares Mercy, “mine”. Sam is facing great challenges in this novel, and although he is in almost every scene, and his story is central to the novel, I still don’t feel I know him any better. He is so complex, and like Mercy, his heart is too large. We learn about some of his past, when they encounter a Fae who knew him. Briggs had my emotions all over the place with the events that occur with Sam. We get to know a little more of the pack and their pecking order. My feelings for Mary Jo wavered from hate to tenderness, as Mercy begins to understand where all of Mary Jo’s anger is coming from. We meet more Fae and not all of them are as wonderful as Zee.
Brigg’s depiction of the fairy queen’s Elphame was fascinating and I could have read a whole book devoted to it. It was magical and the hierarchy of those she ruled was interesting and eerie. I absolutely loved how the Marrok showed and explained the bond a pack has to each other. Briggs' imagination astounds me. As always, Briggs brings lots of action, explosions, guns, blood and death to the tale. The romance between Adam and Mercy - all I have to say is, ooh-la-la! For my more delicate readers never fear, Briggs is discreet and while it was hot, it was all implied. I consumed this in under three hours and loved every minute of it.