Written on Feb 9, 2019
The ending of the first book was so heart wrenching I just had to get my hands on the second book. What we think we know just is not always the case and we discover that in book two. I love the fact that their no time missing between the books and it picks up right where we left off in book one.
This book has two storylines flowing altogether, we have Elsa trying to save Leo. We have Casa the house which has gone insane. Casa the house going all protective on everyone was great as it totally something you can see happening.
With the Leo end of the story, we get a lot more in-depth on his character and the whole backstory of his family. How cruel and insane his dad is and what depths his brother will go to be loyal to him. Then their a very interesting twist towards the end that really changes up the whole dynamics. There a lot of nice scenes with steampunk themes and their plenty of world book fun to be had. This is a great series and I highly recommend you check it out. This book is due out February 19, 2019.