Written on Apr 27, 2013
But I'm tired of being betrayed by book boyfriends. This is the second book where everything did not turn out the way it seemed and its no fun at all.. But those are my issues and there's a dozen reasons people would enjoy how this book plays out.
I liked that the characters were very human and almost all likable. There wasn't really an evil character even though everyone made bad choices. They also made good choices and cared about each other and had reasons for the things they did. And being honest with each other created a lot of freedom and shifted their relationships in positive ways, which I liked.
Oddly, this story reminded me of [b:Pivot Point|11988046|Pivot Point (Pivot Point, #1)|Kasie West||16951806]. And a little bit [b:Going Vintage|10594356|Going Vintage|Lindsey Leavitt||15501920].