Written on Aug 25, 2019
• Pro: I adore Mathieu's writing, and once again, she has treated me to a beautifully written story, which was sort of sad, but deeply moving.
• Pro: Three points of view were used to tell this story, and I thought Mathieu used them in an engaging way. It was really important for me to have the mother's flashbacks, because they helped me understand her a little more, and allowed me develop a bit of empathy for her.
• Pro: I have actually been reading a different series, which also features the Cuban Revolution, but this book offered the story of what happened to the children. It was interesting to see how Caridad (the mother) was affected by being a part of Operation Pedro Pan.
• Con: This was a sad portrait of a dysfunctional family led by an alcoholic mother, who was so stuck in her past, that she could not move forward. Though the ending had a glimmer of hope, I could have used a little more, because I did feel invested in Elena and Joaquin's lives, and I wanted MORE for them.
• Pro: I was well aware of all the little lies the characters told during the course of the story, but there were two B I G lies, with one that really surprised me. Well played.
• Pro: Though both Joaquin and Elena had to constantly tread lightly around their mother, they did manage to find some joy. They both found some romance, and they always had each other.
Overall: A beautifully told, but heartbreaking portrait of a family stuck in a life filled with lies and dysfunction.
*ARC provided in exchange for an honest review.